Proudly Serving our Southern Mississippi Families
Proudly Serving our Southern Mississippi Families
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Owens-Ramey Funeral Services
Owens-Ramey Funeral Service is a locally owned, full-service funeral home, dedicated to providing personal, meaningful and professional funeral services for families and individuals grieving the loss of a loved one. Families come to us because they know we are leaders in our profession, dedicated to excellence. It is our mission to provide our families with complete, compassionate, and professional care before, during, and after their loss. We value our reputation for providing the highest quality funeral services in our service areas and are committed to holding ourselves to the highest standards possible to ensure your families “Celebration of Life” exceeds all expectations.
Featured Services
Funerals give family and friends an opportunity to gather, share memories, and express their love and support for one another.
Cremation is not a way of eliminating your grief, but a process of preparing your loved one for his or her final resting place. Let our experts help guide you through this process.
Planning ahead allows you to fully investigate your choices and gives you an understanding of true cost while giving you peace of mind knowing your wishes will be fulfilled.
Helpful Info
As with any major purchase, it’s wise to examine funeral home’s pricing very carefully so you can ensure that the funeral you want fits within your budget.
Frequent Questions
We get many questions regarding funerals, funeral services, costs, etc. so we’ve provided you with the answers to some of the more common questions we receive.
Planning ahead allows you to fully investigate your choices and gives you an understanding of true cost while giving you peace of mind knowing your wishes will be fulfilled.
Funeral Etiquette
When a loved one is no longer with us, it’s important to take the time to celebrate their life. However, there are many factors to consider when it comes to funeral etiquette.
Veteran Services
We are pleased to pay tribute to our veterans and their families. Our team of professionals are skilled at advising families on available options for your veteran.